Rise Up and Donate
Ways To Give
Become a Friend of Tallahassee Christian College and Training Center
Supporters who donate $25 or more per month on a scheduled basis are official Friends of Tallahassee Christian College & Training Center. Your faithfulness is invaluable to the ministry of this school!
Make a 2025 Pledge
I am pledging to the cause of supporting TCCTC through these extraordinary times.
I am pledging to contribute the amount entered here by the end of 2025.
How To Give
Click the One-time or Monthly Donation buttons above to pay by credit or debit card. PayPal processes the donations, but you are not required to have a PayPal account.
Send a check made out to Tallahassee Christian College & Training Center to:
2555 N. Monroe St Ste 7
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Contact our office M-Th, 9 AM – 5 PM and ask to speak with the Registrar, who will be happy to work with you to set up a payment option that best suits your needs. Office phone: (850) 513-1000.
Non-Financial Ways To Support TCCTC
If you are unable to contribute financially at this time, please pray for our students, faculty, and supporters. Ask prayer groups at your church to keep TCCTC on their regular prayer list.
Share your talents with the College! We are always grateful for volunteers to assist with administrative tasks, marketing, organizing events and more. Contact our office for more details on ways you can get involved.
A Message From Our Board Chair
Hello Friends!
Tallahassee Christian College and Training Center’s fall fundraiser has begun its countdown calling its friends, alumni, students, faculty and patrons to RiseUP and support the College through financial giving; volunteerism, prayer support, and spreading our mission awareness during the upcoming year of 2025.
I am encouraged with the campaign’s multi-medium reach toward each of our groups of friends. In its fourth year, RiseUP 2024 hopes to raise $50,000. We will send a clarion call to ask our community to Rise up & donate………….Rise up & share………….Rise up & pray…………..and to Rise up & volunteer.
You’ll see posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram every day through the day after Thanksgiving. Analysis of giving will be performed and then, on Giving Tuesday, December 3rd, our second wave of the campaign will be launched. This second part of the campaign will be personal as it goes specifically into prospect email boxes, texts, or straight into their homes with a post office delivered direct mail piece.
Less than 17% of all the colleges, universities, and institutes of higher learning in the US can claim the benefits of a Christian education. Since its inception 34 years ago, TCCTC has consistently provided this community with a biblically-inspired learning experience in a supportive environment where students can grow in their faith and God-given destinies. We know we are different. We know our students develop into taking their assignments in the Kingdom of God. We know they need us.
And we need you. Please become a part of our RiseUP 2024 campaign by supporting TCCTC.
By and in His grace,
Todd Acker, Chair
Board of Directors
Donations are Tax Deductible
Tallahassee Christian College and Training Center is a 501c(3) nonprofit cross-denominational religious institution of higher education chartered by the State of Florida, and governed by a Board of Directors, gifts to which are deductible as charitable contributions for U.S. Federal Income tax purposes. Tallahassee Christian College and Training Center is not owned, controlled, or endowed by any denomination, agency, convention, or association.