LCDF Assistant Chaplaincy Program

Tallahassee Christian College and Training Center (TCCTC) provides a college level Assistant Chaplaincy Certificate Program to incarcerated women in the Leon County Sheriff’s Office Detention Facility. This program prepares the student in the work involved in the spiritual welfare and biblical guidance of inmates within the correctional facility. Courses are taught by knowledgeable TCCTC faculty and contribute to the student’s spiritual, relational and mental growth.

Here are some testimonials from our LCDF students:

  • Coming to this class (Discerning the voice of God) has helped me hear God and to accept the outcome of my court date…I can feel myself learning from my past mistakes, ready to step forward. I’m going out better than I came in; Dr. Jarmon has helped us all so much with the growth of our spiritual journey. I am happy that future women will be able to come to this class and be inspired by her… She does not judge us, she relates to us and listens to us. It truly has blessed me…
  • Learning in this class to study the Bible (How to Study the Bible) has helped me to be able to apply the Word to my life and actually have a relationship and trust with God as my Father. Increased my faith and opened me to believe in myself again.
  • Writing 101: How to Write on College Level, helped me find a new sense of believing in myself, for relearning everything this class taught me. I feel confident to write papers now.
  • This has been my most difficult class (Relate Well: A Journey to Healthy, Loving Relationships). Relationships have always been a weak spot in my life. I have never been able to properly nurture and hold onto a healthy relationship. This class has forced me to reflect on my recent divorce and has helped me learn somethings about myself. As I worked through the workbook, I noticed that I was recognizing my flaws and where I went wrong in previous relationships. It helped me to see where I am strong and it revealed my weak spots and to let go of resentments and past hurts, and stop beating myself up for past mistakes. But to listen, have positive communication and set healthy boundaries.
  • Here (Bk of James class) I’m in the 3rd week, into my second semester writing on the one verse that stands out to me, “Not all of us should be teachers”. anyone that doesn’t know, I am a student at TCCTC to be just that. I am thankful for this class and journey it has put me on..
  • This class (The Life and Teachings of Jesus), has changed a lot about me. I’m sober now. No longer confused feeling the need to escape my own self because of the life I was living in. I’m at peace, I’m forgiven and free from sin, my mind is clear and ready to learn.

Thank you for the opportunity to share this incredible ministry outreach. If you want more information about teaching at the LCDF, please call the Provost office at 850-513-1000.

Watch a short video about the Chaplaincy Program